Static Fonts
I got annoyed with having to download fonts from Google, and then manually linking together the styles and making sure they show are rendering. So I made a little WebApp that does most of the heavy lifting for you.
How to doughnut
I did a little presentation on this animated doughnut chart that I built for a project.
Change Blindness
After watching Dan Dennet’s TED talk “The illusion of consciousness” I was compelled to make a web app out of an experiment that he showed.
15 Puzzle
I made a little web app for that 15-puzzle game. I was playing it on my phone a while ago, and then got annoyed with how many add's there where.
While I was learning React I went through the Tic-Tac-Toe tutorial. I was also trying to learn the Next.js framework. So, as I was going through the tutorial I was also fragmenting it out into the Next.js framework.